News — eco friendly

What is the Best Candle Brand?

Posted by Ramon Lopez on

What is the Best Candle Brand?
If you're looking for the best option for luxury natural candles in San Diego, Haly Candles is the clear choice. Their dedication to using only the highest quality natural ingredients, commitment to sustainability, attention to detail in their product designs, and exceptional customer service make them the ideal choice for individuals who value quality, elegance, and sustainability. So, why settle for synthetic and harmful candles when you can indulge in the pure and natural experience offered by Haly Candles?

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What are the best type of candles?

Posted by Ramon Lopez on

What are the best type of candles?
Soy wax is the cleanest burning wax for candles. Soy wax candles burn evenly and cleanly, without producing soot or toxins. This makes them a great choice for anyone who is concerned about the impact of candles on their health and the environment. In addition to being clean burning, soy wax candles also have a longer burn time than traditional paraffin wax candles, making them a great value and the most socially responsible choice.

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